lee guapoh

Joined Date : April 12, 2006

lee B. llagas


Bday : November 21, 1987


shenzhen china



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hi! iM Lee oNe oF tHe shadoWz... iM hEre iN shEnzHen chIna.. iLL stUdY hERe.. iM frieNdLy.. Lgi mE siNg d2 sA MMB111 hheheeh aHHH friEnDLy Din nMan aQ. jUsT aDd mE s friEnDsTer lee@llagas.com myspace/hi5:lee_llagas@yahoo.com cHat aDdiCk aQ sO i DeciDeD nA mAg aPpLy Dmi kZ bOoT sKin, uNg mGa inSicuRe.... d2 nlang... C U aT D cYbeR wOrLd

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